Privacy and Cookies policies

Privacy policy

Processing of personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 ("GDPR") ESSEMODA S.R.L. may occasionally modify this Privacy Notice.

In case of any substantial changes to the information, they will be communicated on our Website.

Data controller

The Data Controller is ESSEMODA S.R.L. with office in via Padre Mario Vergara 132 - 80027 Frattamaggiore (NA) VAT number and C.F .: 02558861213 (hereinafter "Holder").
To contact the owner send an email to
The Data Controller ensures compliance with all privacy regulations pursuant to the European Data Protection Regulation no. 679/2016 (GDPR "General Data Protection Regulation") and subsequent amendments.

Types of data processed

The data subject of this statement are all personal, identifying and non-sensitive data (for example, but not limited to, name, surname, address, telephone, e-mail, date of birth, sex m / f - later, "data personal "or even" data ") expressly provided by those who interact with the web services of this website accessible via electronic means at the address (hereinafter" Site "). The information is provided only for this site and not for other websites that may be consulted by the user through links. In addition, there is some information that is collected automatically when you visit our Site, use our Services and / or respond to ads or other content, we automatically collect information sent from your computer, mobile device or other device from which you have made the access. This information includes, by way of example (information from your interaction with our Site and Services including, by way of example, device ID, device type, location information, computer and connection information, statistics relating to visited pages, incoming and outgoing traffic from www.claytonitalia. com, URL of reference, advertising data, IP address and information on the standard web register).

Purposes of data processing

Personal data are processed for the following purposes (hereinafter "Service Purposes"):

  1. manage and provide the services offered through the Site;
  2. to allow the user to use the services expressly requested;
  3. collection, storage and processing of navigation data to perform statistical analysis in an anonymous and aggregate form;

Furthermore, only upon specific and distinct consent by the user, personal data are processed for the following other purposes (hereinafter, "Other Purposes"):

  1. sending newsletters
  2. profiling activity
  3. marketing activities
  4. sending e-mail communications regarding opinion polls and approval
  5. sending by email of invitations to events or registrations to events of which it is part or that organizes the Owner

Place of data processing

The processing connected to the web services of this Site takes place at the Data Controller's premises and at the Web Hosting datacenter hosting the Site (AmazonAWS). They are only handled by technical personnel in charge of processing, or by persons in charge of occasional maintenance operations.

No data deriving from the web service is communicated or disseminated except in cases expressly provided for by law.

If the recipient of the products specified in the order form does not correspond with the person who has paid for their purchase, Essemoda will in any case refund the purchase price to the person who made the payment if the right to withdraw is exercised. In case of return, shipping is at the expense of customer.

Method of treatment

The personal data provided by users are used only to perform the services provided by the Site and only for the purposes indicated in the purposes of processing, are disclosed to third parties only if this is necessary for that purpose.

In addition to the data provided explicitly, other data may be recorded deriving from the user's navigation on the Website.

For any access to the Site we register the type of browser, the operating system, the host and the URL of origin, in addition to data on the page requested. These data are used in aggregate and anonymous form for statistical analysis of the use of the Site.

The processing will be carried out with electronic and / or automated and telematic tools with organizational and processing logics strictly related to the purposes themselves and in any case in such a way as to guarantee the security, integrity and confidentiality of the data in compliance with organizational, physical and logics provided for by the provisions in force.

The Data Controller will process the personal data for the time necessary to fulfill the aforementioned purposes and in any case for no more than 10 years from the termination of the Service Finality relationship and for no more than 2 years from the collection of data for the Other Finances.

Data communication

We may disclose your personal information to third parties in accordance with these Privacy Rules and applicable law.

Personal data and / or results of statistical analysis may


To delete your account you need to go to your personal area, under the heading Privacy Settings.

In the Delete Account section it is possible to request deletion which will be managed by the staff. Once the request is confirmed, all orders and account information will be removed. After confirmation of deletion, the account cannot be restored.


It is also possible to anonymize your data by logging into your account and going to the Privacy Settings item.

Anonymization implies the complete deletion of your personal data. The information will be replaced with non-personal information. All user data will be removed from the site and new data will be provided to log in. Only the password will remain unchanged.


It is also possible to download a csv containing your data by logging into your account and going to the Privacy Settings item.

In order to download the information, you need to enter your account password.